God's time

Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, “Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” ~ John 20:16-17

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. ~ Leo Tolstoy

Nobody sees a flower really. It is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time. ~ Georgia O'Keefe 

How tempting to grasp onto and hold on for dear life to something or someone we don't want to lose.

Maybe it is something we value. Or something (or someone) we have waited for.

Mary is overjoyed to see her master again. So much so that she doesn't really see him.

She sees the memory of who she believed he was.

Not who he truly is.

To truly see him, she had to be patient. It would all unfold in its time.

Our faith is rather like that. Sometimes we are in such a hurry to know what God means; who God is: how God works; that we miss the unfolding that God presents to us.

Rather than see who God is on God's time, we want to hold onto who we believe God to be on our time. We create boxes to keep who we believe God to be in place.

But Jesus is there reminding us that in God's time we will see. In God's time we will know.

And until then, faith is what we have to get us through.

Prayer: Lord help me to not put you into the box I have created for you, but rather to see you more clearly in your time. Amen

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