Holy Spirit as Oil

Set me as a seal upon your heart. ~ Song of Solomon 8:6a

You have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever. ~ ELCA Service of Baptism

You anoint my head with oil. ~ Psalm 23:5b

But you have been anointed with the Holy One, and all of you have knowledge. ~ 1 John 2:20

We are united with Christ through the Holy Spirit.

And we are sealed as God's with the Holy Spirit.

In baptism, we mark that with oil, just as oil has been used for thousands of years to anoint kings and those who God has claimed.

We use oil in our Healing Services and for the sick as a sign of God presence with them.

Mary anointed Jesus feet with the fragrant oil, nard.

Oil is a symbol of wealth, whether talking about Black Gold that fuels our cars, the oil that anoints kings, or the fine (and often expensive) Olive Oil we use to cook with.

So the Spirit as oil, claims, marks, and showers us with a bountiful presence.

With it we know who we are.

With it, we are lavished.

With it, we have proof that God is with us.

Prayer: Anoint my head with oil, Lord, that I might know always that I am yours. Amen

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