Teachings of Jesus in Luke: Golden Rule

Do to others as you would have them do to you. ~ Luke 6:31

What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. ~ Judaism, Rabbi Hillel (The Talmud)

As you would have people do to you, do to them. ~ Islam, Prophet Muhammad (The Hadith)

Those acts you consider good when done to you, do those to others, none else. ~ Hinduism (The Upanishads)

Hurt no others in ways you yourself would find hurtful. ~ Buddhism

What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others. Confucius 

These are not the only versions of the Golden Rule that appear in religious writings from across the globe.

There are a bunch more.

To paraphrase a quote by Malcolm X, truth is truth, no matter who tells it.

The fact that the Golden Rule shows up so many places could possibly be a good indicator as to how important it is.

It could be a really good indicator of what God finds to be important.

And the fact that each religion has a version begs the question: what would it be like if every faith and every person of faith lived up to it?

Now, Christian faith can't be reduced to one rule. One law. One aphorism.

But yet there it is.

Over and over and over again.

So there's got to be something there, doesn't there?

There's got to be truth there, doesn't there?

No matter who is telling it.

Prayer: Lord, show me the way to be a little Christ to your world in need. Amen

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