Scripture and the Reformation: Scripture

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Comfort yourself with the Word of God, the pre-eminent consolation. ~ Martin Luther

Despite the diversity of viewpoints and the complexity of the many narratives contained in the Scriptures, Lutheran Christians believe that the story of God’s steadfast love and mercy in Jesus is the heart and center of what the Scriptures have to say. ~ ELCA website - ELCA Teaching on Scripture.

Sola Scriptura has been defined as the Bible containing everything we need to know about God and how to live. It elevates scripture over other things: our churches and our human traditions. As Lutherans we see it as the source and norm of our teaching.
Source, in that through it we find comfort, learning, and we meet God. Norm in that it gives us something with which to compare all other teaching.
It is useful for us in many ways.
The term has been misused to give folks the impression that the Bible is a book you take off the shelf that will answer all your questions and tell you the correct way to do anything.
But for Lutherans, today as in the past, the Bible is a book (or actually books) of Faith and a way in which we encounter Christ.
The writer of 2 Timothy reminds us the scripture is inspired by God.
Breathed by God.
And as anything else alive, it is complex, often untamable, and frequently confusing.
That's perhaps the thing that makes it most exciting.
There are many ways to encounter scripture. I personally think, however, that there is a best way. And that's with others. To share and learn from each other how scripture touches our lives.
Not to say that there is no benefit in reading it alone. But so much more can be gained when we join together in faith to encounter God through this Book of our lives.

Prayer: Help me O Holy One to encounter you through the words of faith of your people in Scripture. Amen

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