Holy Spirit as Fire: New Day

Acts 2:3-4

And tongues spreading out like a fire appeared to them and came to rest on each one of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. ~ NET

Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. ~ NRSV

Then, like a wildfire, the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, and they started speaking in a number of different languages as the Spirit prompted them. ~ The Message

What a visual and auditory feast this must have been! The Holy Spirit rushing in like wind, and coming down upon each person like a flame - a tongue of fire.

And boom! Stuff happens!

You can feel the Spirit.

You can hear the Spirit.

And you can SEE the Spirit. It's lighting up the darkness.

It's bringing together that which was apart.

All along, the Spirit of God existed among God's people: guiding, cleansing, healing.

And now, in a new way. A way that said "we aren't doing things like we used to anymore!"

Something new was happening and the followers of Jesus could see it! They could be part of something! They could be moved individually and communally to set fire to the world in a way that would bring hope and love to those in need.

And that fire is still burning!

Prayer: Set your fire upon me so that I can be one of the many lights shining in your name! Amen

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